
Short film 30min / 10min/ PSA 4min
Produced, Written and Directed by Jeanette Mühlmann aka Sena
A trashed and crowded beach with stressed out city people is magically visited by a colorful “Healing Tribe”.
Without using words they create a clean circle. With ancient rhythms and dances they invite everybody to participate and join the KEEP IT CLEAN Experience – and the whole beach crowd becomes part of this joyful transformation…”
Directors Statement
KEEP IT CLEAN – a short film for an important environmental and educational cause with the goal to educate the people who leave their trash everywhere – in the short film “Keep it Clean” the “scene of crime” is the beach.
Trashing up our beautiful planet, our streets, parks, rivers, seas and beaches is a world wide mental sickness and carelessness; but how can we point fingers at politicians and corporations if we ourselves unconsciously create the same mess every single day?
Trashing up the beaches is a world wide environmental problem. We only have this small blue planet and if we make mistakes here and now in our own neighborhood – then on the long run these mistakes will have a terrible impact somewhere else on our planet – because we are all connected.
My intention is to raise an international wave of awareness, so the public starts to keep their beaches clean. We try to educate by leading an inspiring example; we inspire through skilled artistic expression. People listen and learn best if they like what they see – then they will remember and imitate.
KEEP IT CLEAN will make people re-think and remember – and I hope that my vision will change their behaviors and attitudes. Sometimes we do not need words to explain how we feel – Action speaks louder!
Featuring Amina Baraka, Joy Chatel, Funmilayo Chesney, Lydia Taranco, P. Obediah Wright, Rimli Roy. Ngor Jallew, Khalil, Charles LaSalle, Ngoma, Tom Cintula, Carson Grant, Sam Josephson, Paul John Skirbe, Production Manager Prof.Virginia Brooks;
Cameras in Co-Operation with the Brooklyn College Dep. of Film Anthony R.Ponzio, Greg Hess, Lukasz Rogalki, and Sena;
Casting and Costumes Sena; MusicArsene de Souza, Al MacDowell,Sena and Rahj, Editing Richard Benenge ; Aditional Edit Stephen Bruckert
Still Photographers Guler Ugur and Carolyn Hoagland
Program Content and Package Artwork: © 2007 SENA PRODUCTIONS all rights reserved

a stunning solution on how to keep the beaches clean.
In her Debut as Film Director Jeanette Sena Mühlmann aka Sena evokes in “Keep It Clean” a colorful Healing Tribe who transforms a trashy beach with its nervous city people into a place of celebration and unity.
The Co-Founder of the legendary German Theater Group “die Zauberflöte” (“the Magic Flute”) is an experienced Stage and TV Actress, Author, Poet, Spoken Word performer with a published book, and Singer/Songwriter with published CD.
“The reason why I wanted to make “KEEP IT CLEAN” was, I had enough from trying to convince and educate people one on one – a movie can reach far more people than any passionate speech in front of a few listeners.”
Sena loves the sea with all the creatures and mammals and she loves pristine beaches – untouched by human carelessness. Sena is a passionate swimmer. Every summer she encountered the same sad facts: people trashing up beaches all over the world, unconscious of the deadly effects on the animals and the water itself. “Every summer I walk my little circle and clean up the trash of other people before I sit down in the sand and enjoy the ocean – for me wherever I set my foot is my home and my living room and every step I make touches holy ground” Sena says.
And because the folks on the beaches did not follow her example she called for help and all her artist friends came to create a bigger circle with more impact: Artists from all walks of live came to Brooklyn’s Coney Island Beach to help create her vision of clean beaches.
Choreographers like Funmilao Chesney ( Fusha Dance Company), Obediah Wright ( Balance Dance NYC) , Lydia Taranco ( Dance for Peace) , Activists, Actors and Musicians came and with music and dance they involved the crowd to actually stand up and help clean the beach, while dancing. “I create strong images that stay in peoples hearts and if “KEEP IT CLEAN” can make a difference and gets people to be more conscious then I fulfilled my goal” Sena smiles. Her audience definitely is on her side and we are all called to act.
With several awards Sena’s goal is to show “KEEP IT CLEAN” all over the world in schools, dance halls, as a warm up before pop and rock concerts, during intermission of huge sport activities, in air planes going to beach resorts, everywhere where huge crowds gather and wait for some action.
“The action is right here, in front of our eyes – we all can be part of it – OH YES, WE CAN“KEEP IT CLEAN”.
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