SENA Music

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SENA Natural High
The Artist
Singer, Songwriter, Performer, Poet, Spoken Word Artist. Sena’s Background is Theatre, Dance, Written and Spoken Word.
Living on 3 different continents, she is inspired by Musicians who did not follow a fashion but created one.
Born in Munich Germany, Sena started her stage-career as an Actress in Europe; trained Belcanto singer, her passion are percussion instruments.
The name Sena was given to her 1997 by the Mother of Master Drummer Arsene de Souza during a Tribal Gathering in Ouidah, ancient Dahome, Benin, West Africa. Meaning of “Sena”: “Bringing Heaven to Earth” – “a life-long journey with continuous lessons “Sena smiles.
Between 1998 and 2011she was living and working constantly in NYC, now she is back to her hometown Munich, her new old headquarter
The Album
“Natural High” is Sena’s Debut Album, released September 2004.
Produced by Sena & Hardgroove, recorded @ Manhattan Center Studios NYC and HNR Floral Parc Studios NY, © JM Human Relations Corp, released by “Fire Dragon Records”; published by “We walk By Faith Publishing” (ASCAP). All Lyrics written and produced by Sena (ASCAP).
Sena is a true down to earth Diva, a Heroine of Lyrics, an explosive Mixture and Vibrant Performer.
(Named as such by the European magazines A.r.t and Kult)

Hardgroove & SENA
1. What you say is what you get 4:15
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming , synths , bass , guitar
BRAD CRAIG – guitar
SENA – lead
“What You Say is What You Get”
What you say is what you get
Cuz if you say it you might regret
words are the key, they make me believe,
they make me fly, right words take me high
words are a thief, they make me cry,
they give me grief cause I know you lie
what you say is what you get,
no more lies and no regret
what you say is what you get
give me words that I can depend on
give me words that I can respect
words that turn me on
give me words that I can depend on
give me words that I can respect
turn me on …
2. Love won't go away 3:40
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming , synths, bass , guitar
SKY WILLIAMS – keyboards
GREGORY LATTY – percussion
SENA – lead and backups
” Love won’t go away ”
Good things do come for those who do believe and wait,
but if you wait too long good things are simply gone;
good things will come, you only have to show your faith
and if that faith is strong
all the good will come along
love won’t go away true love will always stay
love won’t go away true love will make my day
in love I cry no tears and in love I have no fear
I need you I feed you, I plant my seed in you
baby don’t you know its true
love is deep inside of you
love is waiting for you too
3. Keep on Movin' 3:35
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming, drum synths, bass, guitar
MIRI BEN-ARI – – violin
GREGORY LATTY – percussion
BILL BEAVER – backups
VICTOR C. BURKS – backups
SENA – lead & backups
“Keep on Movin”
Yesterday is over I don’t live there anymore
Keep on moving
I found the key that will get me through that door
Keep on moving
don’t break my rhythm
gotta keep on moving
Once I believed we climb the stairs a pair
Keep on moving’
but now I know you treated me unfair
keep on moving
you said we’re in this boat together
I rowed the boat alone in stormy weather
Keep on moving,
don’t break my rhythm, gotta keep on moving
I overcome my hurt, love is strong,
love is for giving, life goes on
the while a hurricane is beatin’ ev’ry wave
deep down the ocean is a place that’s calm and safe
keep on Moving
yesterday is over
I don’t live there anymore
keep on moving
I found the key
I’m walking through the door
and keep on moving
4. Freiwillig 4:00
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming, bass, percussion
BRAD CRAIG – guitar
BOBBY ALLENDE – percussion
SENA – lead
“Freiwillig” Bonus Track – very first version Munich Germany
Mann , wenn ich hier durch die Strassen geh
und den abadababgedrehten Leistungsstress seh,
hey! Haengste grau aus der Waesche raus
hebelst du dich super selber aus,
ohne den Sinn zu raffen,
lass dich vom Pflichtprogramm ja ned so schaffen!
haengende Mundwinkel auf halb acht,
oi! wohl schon lang nimmer abgelacht?
Sei bereit, nimm Dir Zeit!
Verrenn di ned in der Aussenwelt
die du dir kreierst bis dass’d kapierst;
dein Anpassungsdrang dir die Sicht verstellt,
andre kopiert und frustriert imitiert
dein´ Glauben an dich heimlich blockiert!
Hast dich verfangen im eigenen Raster,
bevor dein Stern glitzert verblasst er,
eingestampft vom Einheitsbreigeschrei…
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier und sperren uns in Schubladen ein!
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier und sperren uns in Schubladen ein!
Schluss mit zerknittert, vorbei mit verbittert,
schieb keinen Frust, verschärf die Lebenslust;
weg mit dem Stacheldraht, Zögern ist Hochverrat,
raus aus der Grabesruh, mach nicht die Klabbadababbe zu!
Bleib Dir treu, geh grade, Schritt für Schritt!
Das Beste kommt mühelos und nimmt dich einfach mit!
Fliess mit jedem Augenblick,
bereue nichts , schau nicht zurück,
Denk Dir ‘ne neue Spur,
verordne dir ‘ne Schweigekur!
Raus aus den eingefahr’nen Rillen,
betäub dich nicht , wart nicht ‘n Jahr,
mach hier und jetzt deine Träume wahr,
fahr auf dich selber ab dann brauchst du keine Pillen!
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier und sperr’n uns in Schubladen ein!
Kein ,,irgendwie”, kein ,,irgendwann”,
kein ,,vielleicht“, „eigentlich“, “ungefähr”,
kein „ich weiß nicht” mehr!
Bloß nicht gedankenlos grausam sein,
kein spiessiges Gewohnheitstier,
wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier!
Free your smile, set it free!
Es liegt in unserer Hand!-
life of joy and harmony!-
Wir betreten in Wahrheit jede Sekunde absolutes Neuland!
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier , und sperren wir uns in Schubladen ein!
Wir sind frei, frei sind wir, wir sind doch freiwillig hier, freiwillig hier,
wir sind frei, frei sind wir,
wir sind doch freiwillig hier…
5. Alakumais4bye 2:58
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming, synths, bass, guitar
SKY WILLIAMS – keyboards
GREGORY LATTY – percussion & backups
KRISTEN GRAY – backups
SENA – lead and backups
Baby don’t you cry
a change is gonna happen
we can make it happen
we have to leave the nest
just to find out how we’ve been blessed
gotta look at this as a test
and what happens is for the best
nothing comes over night ,
though you see it’s within your sight
hold on to what feels right
spread your wings for the first flight
life is too short now, much too short for sorrow,
if you don’t know by now
you sure will know tomorrow
believe in yourself and you can fly…
6. Natural High 3:42
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming, synths, bass , guitar
GREGORY LATTY – percussion
JEANETTE – lead and backups
“Natural High”
There was a time I took a lot of dope to make me fly
I figured out that I don’t need it,
I’m natural high!
I’m feelin’ high, Natural High
if people hurt me wicked
they can make me really cry ,
but I keep my humour and I flip it, I’m natural High!
ev’ry addiction is a restriction, illusion!
You fall before you even touch the sky,
a slick trick of the father of lie
who wants you in confusion and your spirit to die!
Check it, check the score,
don’t loose track no more!
I know it is not easy cause life is not a lullaby,
all we can do is face it,
be Natural High!
I listen to my God inside,
I know this voice never lies,
you can see in my eyes
I’m Natural High!
There was a time I took a lot o’dope to make me fly,
I figured out that I don’t need it, I’m Natural High –
I’ feelin’ High, Natural High
come on jump out of this dark cloud,
no dope can rule and fool you,
I came through, you can do it too,
cause your mind has the might to fight!
7. Sweet Magic 4:05
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming , synths , bass , guitar
BRAD CRAIG – guitar
SENA – lead
“Sweet Magic”
I want you to hold me all over all over,
I want you to feel me, deep down inside
sweet Magic is gentle
with ev’ry nasty sound and ev’ry little pain she flies away
do nothing that you ever did,
say nothing that you ever said
sweet Magic is gentle, with ev’ry nasty sound and ev’ry little pain she flies away,
she cannot stay, she flies away
I want you to hold me not only one night
I want you to hold me all over all over,
I want you to kiss me, not only good night
I want you to love me all over all over
come on feel me, deep down inside
8. We Gotta Reason 4:05
Lyrics: SENA
HARDGROOVE – drum programming, synths, bass
BRAD CRAIG – guitar
BOBBY ALLENDE – percussion
SENA – lead
“We Gotta Reason”
Man , when I’m walking’ down the street
mediocrity tries to spit on my feet,
what’s up, girls and dudes,
take a stand, watch your roots,
show your backbone, leave comfort zone,
you’re not here to conform to the norm-
don’t get caught in society’s zeal,
better check what you really feel,
walk unique, walk in style, keep your smile!
Don’t get lost outside, it’s a trap in the brain,
break this insane chain,
no problems , don’t let them grow,
doubt and fear will stop the flow
we gotta reason why we are here, there’s always hope, just keep flying high
to be meek does not mean to be weak,
move, change the groove,
banish the dream thieve, believe!
Best things in life come as a gift and give you a blissful uplift;
if you walk in grieve you loose your belief-
don’t forget who you are!
Move! Change the groove!
don’t be suspicious, life is delicious,
banish the dream thieve- believe!
We gotta reason why we are here, we are free, we are free…
9. Freiwillig Bonus Track 4:02
Lyrics: SENA
ROYKEY CREO – drum programming, synths, bass, guitar
ARSENE DE SOUZA** – intro voice & percussion
“Freiwillig” Bonus Track – very first version Munich Germany
Mann , wenn ich hier durch die Strassen geh
und den abadababgedrehten Leistungsstress seh,
hey! Haengste grau aus der Waesche raus
hebelst du dich super selber aus,
ohne den Sinn zu raffen,
lass dich vom Pflichtprogramm ja ned so schaffen!
haengende Mundwinkel auf halb acht,
oi! wohl schon lang nimmer abgelacht?
Sei bereit, nimm Dir Zeit!
Verrenn di ned in der Aussenwelt
die du dir kreierst bis dass’d kapierst;
dein Anpassungsdrang dir die Sicht verstellt,
andre kopiert und frustriert imitiert
dein´ Glauben an dich heimlich blockiert!
Hast dich verfangen im eigenen Raster,
bevor dein Stern glitzert verblasst er,
eingestampft vom Einheitsbreigeschrei…
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier und sperren uns in Schubladen ein!
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier und sperren uns in Schubladen ein!
Schluss mit zerknittert, vorbei mit verbittert,
schieb keinen Frust, verschärf die Lebenslust;
weg mit dem Stacheldraht, Zögern ist Hochverrat,
raus aus der Grabesruh, mach nicht die Klabbadababbe zu!
Bleib Dir treu, geh grade, Schritt für Schritt!
Das Beste kommt mühelos und nimmt dich einfach mit!
Fliess mit jedem Augenblick,
bereue nichts , schau nicht zurück,
Denk Dir ‘ne neue Spur,
verordne dir ‘ne Schweigekur!
Raus aus den eingefahr’nen Rillen,
betäub dich nicht , wart nicht ‘n Jahr,
mach hier und jetzt deine Träume wahr,
fahr auf dich selber ab dann brauchst du keine Pillen!
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier und sperr’n uns in Schubladen ein!
Kein ,,irgendwie”, kein ,,irgendwann”,
kein ,,vielleicht“, „eigentlich“, “ungefähr”,
kein „ich weiß nicht” mehr!
Bloß nicht gedankenlos grausam sein,
kein spiessiges Gewohnheitstier,
wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier!
Free your smile, set it free!
Es liegt in unserer Hand!-
life of joy and harmony!-
Wir betreten in Wahrheit jede Sekunde absolutes Neuland!
Wir sind doch alle freiwillig hier , und sperren wir uns in Schubladen ein!
Wir sind frei, frei sind wir, wir sind doch freiwillig hier, freiwillig hier,
wir sind frei, frei sind wir,
wir sind doch freiwillig hier…
You can see lyrics and credits by clicking on the arrow behind the song title.

Neo Soul meets an Exotic World
The Music
Smooth melodies, dynamic rhythms, silky, captivating and funky compositions; a magical blend of diverse influences of multiple genres; a funky blend of old school reggae, smooth jazz, rock and raga elements; tunes defying categorization;
Vivid, intelligent and poetic lyrics, delivered with Sena’s charismatic sensual voice.
“The children in the hills of St. Mary were singing my tunes on their way to school, even the German lyrics, can you imagine? That was the best compliment I could get…
oh, and I promised them one I will come back with my band…”
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E-Mail: vasb@francebqhpgvbaf.pbz
senaproductions ©2023